Obtain your feeder insects from a reliable source to reduce the risk of parasites. You can also offer your peafowl small amounts of high-quality dog or cat kibble, for a high-protein treat. Try to provide your peafowls with a diet specifically formulated for the species.
Peafowl at the Waystation roam free but we do keep an eye on them to make sure they are eating properly and not injured or sick. The Indian peafowl is listed as an animal of least concern”. Peafowl live up to 20 years in both the wild and captivity.
The Green peafowl is native to Southeast Asia and the Congo peafowl is native to central Africa. The type of peafowl we have at the Waystation, and the most common type, is the Indian peafowl, which are native to areas of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and India. They can grow up to 35 to 50 in long and weight 8.75 to 13 lbs and both genders have a crest of feathers on their head.
So, it is not that difficult to take care of captive peacocks. Such birds may develop gout and kidney problems due to accumulation of calcium and protein in the body. You may use game bird starter mix (with moderate protein content) for feeding peachicks.
Peachicks start feeding on insects, worms, and small animals; after three to four days of their birth. You may also feed them insects or grubs, chicken feed pellets, and black sunflower seeds. Domesticated adult peacocks can be fed with turkey pellets occasionally.
In the wild, insects provide a major chunk of their protein supply. Kitchen waste from vegetables, fruits, and bread is also devoured by these birds. Their food includes fruits, berries, drupes, leaves, seeds, grains, flower buds and flowers, bamboo shoots, tree buds, insects, worms and grubs, small reptiles and mammals, and snakes.
Almost 26% of the total time was spent on feeding and 23% was spent for resting. These birds are mostly found in forests with sufficient water sources and trees for roosting. The diet of peacocks is dependent on various factors, like its anatomy and habitat.
Peacocks are commonly found in zoos and are also raised as exotic pets. Here is a brief overview of the diet of these birds. The Indian peafowl was first brought to Hawaii in 1860.
Emperors, kings, and queens kept tame peacocks in elaborate gardens in ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), Persia (modern Iran), Israel, Greece, and other lands. Peacocks have always been highly prized for their beauty. The Indian peafowl can live for 20 to 24 years.
The feathers gradually grow back by the beginning of the next breeding season. After hatching, the peachicks follow their mother around for several months, learning the best foods to eat. In the wild, a peahen typically lays three to eight pale brownish eggs in a shallow depression that she claws out of the ground.
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